Serving Fairfax, Loudoun, Winchester, VA and more.

Our Treatment Plan

Perimeter Termite and Pest Control’s Four Seasons Protection Plan provides environmentally responsible solutions to keep pests out of your home. Our thorough exterior maintenance philosophy keeps your indoor environment pest-free through economical quarterly applications just once each season.

Perimeter Termite and Pest Control is proud to provide our customers with the most progressive protection plan in the industry. The following service diagram shows in detail the average extermination service compared with Perimeter Termite and Pest Control’s Four Seasons Protection Plan. Side by side, it’s easy to see why Perimeter Termite and Pest Control’s boasts the most comprehensive guarantee in the business.


Extensive Initial Visit: Our control program begins with a thorough inspection of your property by a certified pest specialist. Risk areas and pest threats such as active harborages and nesting sites will be identified and treated. Having the knowledge and expertise to control up to 47 pest varieties, our professional will tailor a customized quarterly protection plan to control your pests year-round.

Thorough & Convenient Seasonal Maintenance: After your first visit, Perimeter Termite and Pest Control will return the following month to rid the exterior of any surviving pests. Perimeter Termite and Pest Control first will continue to protect your home on a quarterly basis, guaranteeing the control of your exterior pest populations once per season. These exterior treatments ensure our customers convenience, as they do not need to be home while we work.

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