Serving Fairfax, Loudoun, Winchester, VA and more.

Bee Extermination-Fairfax, Loudoun, Winchester, VA

Have you noticed an inordinate number of bees on or near your undefined home or place of business in Fairfax, Loudoun, or Winchester, VA?  Is there a bee hive located somewhere on your property? Don’t wait to get stung: Call Perimeter Termite and Pest Control LLC and have the offending bees removed so that you don’t get hurt.  We offer professional bee extermination in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Winchester, VA.

Bees posses a potent sting.  Working on the house, mowing the lawn, or just getting close to a bee nest can potentially get you stung multiple times.  From Hornets, Yellowjackets, Carpenter Bees, and Wasps, Perimeter Termite and Pest Control’s techs will give you back your yard and house.

  • Perimeter is a leader in Bee Control and Bee Extermination in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Winchester, VA.

At Perimeter Termite and Pest Control LLC, we offer effective bee extermination services that bring about results. Our highly trained team of professionals is equipped to remove hives and bees without damaging your property. Safety is our top priority, and we’ll take every precaution throughout the extermination process. And when you hire us, you’ll benefit from our:

  • Reasonable rates
  • Easy appointment scheduling
  • Prompt, reliable service

If bees have invaded your turf, it’s time to fight back. So rather than keep running from those bees, run to the phone and give us a call. Contact us now for more information about our bee extermination services or to schedule an appointment.

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